
The trainer
Let me introduce myself. My name is Marco Kemper. I have been working for the ICT Group and DEMCON for the last 25 years.
In my daily work, I am responsible for project documentation, requirements, architectural designs, coding (C#, C++) and (automated) testing in (IEC 62304) healthcare projects.
As a secondary job, I am a DICOM trainer. In the past years, I have given more than 25 DICOM Training/Workshops for customers and colleagues. Since 2018, I organize DICOM Training/Workshops for my own company Workshop For Me and offer as a service the creation of DICOM Conformance Statements.
Since 2024, I also am contracted by SIIM (Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine) to give DICOM related training courses.

The following lists some of my DICOM experience gathered, while working for our customers:
Worked for 5 years on a row for the DVTk (DICOM Validation Toolkit) project as a software designer and technical coordinator;
Designed and implemented the DICOM Structured Report Validator (Philips Healthcare);
Designed and implemented the DICOM module for a Nuclear Medicine scanner (DDD Diagnostic);
Upgraded the DICOM part of a connectivity and storage library (Elekta);
Project management, design and implementation for a new DICOM module for an afterloader (RT Plan Import and RT Brachy Treatment Record Export) (BEBIG, Eckert & Ziegler).